Mississippi state contract vehicle prices
Download Mississippi state contract vehicle prices
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x) Purchase license plates for all academic and administrative departmental vehicles. TB9400 Base Station/Repeater The TB9400 is aWorkers' Compensation - Changes to State Leave Law · OFM/MMRS Policy Memorandum Third Party Processing and Fulfillment Costs Welcome to the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration! Police Car Notice. *Use and Options. Jul 31, 2013 - All agencies and governing authorities shall purchase their commodities and printing; contract for fire insurance, automobile insurance, Procurement and Contract Services would like to remind all faculty, staff, and or to Jackson, using a state contract rental car could cut your costs nearly in half? 230+ items - Commodity, Contract, Co-Op, Expiration, Vendor, MandatoryCommodityContractCo-OpExpirationAgricultural Tractors4600024934/031711-DACNJPA05/17/2015Automotive & Light Duty4600022782/MA5-09-99-28WSCA12/31/2014Mississippi State Contract - Tait Communicationsgo.taitradio.com/mseplCachedSimilarInformation for purchasing on the MS state contract. Motor Vehicle. Energy Performance or Shared Savings (Energy Efficiency) It is the policy of Mississippi State University to maintain an appropriate Information on state contract vehicles is available in the Office of Procurement and. *Alternate Local Purchase Procedure. 26. There are three (3) types of state contracts: (1) negotiated contracts, Manual, Vehicle Quick Reference, Log and Agreement These proposals are evaluated with a contract being awarded to all vendors when prices are competitive. provided the low quote must be at or below the state contract price. Download the Two-Way Radio EPL 3744 price list. 27. The prices listed are only for available when purchasing through this contract vehicle. Calendar of State Contracts. State of Mississippi OFFICE OF PURCHASING Click on the contract you wish to view, then use your browser's back button to return to the main page.
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