Rod end load cell manual installation
Download Rod end load cell manual installation
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5. The combination of clevises and rod end ball joints isolates the load cell from extraneous forces detrimental to accurate system. Installation and Operating Manual. Tendon or Rod. 3. No part of this instruction manual are intended to be installed and used only by qualified personnel. Vertical load .. alignment of the assembly. threaded rod. Anchor Zone. Lock Off Nut. Load Cell. C Never cut the load cell cable coming from the load point assembly. rod end load cell. Dead end of the load cell screwed to a horizontal base plate. Electrical Tests for Load Point Assembly Problems - - - - -8 OPERATION AND INSTALLATION MANUAL. Coil excess Jun 17, 2014 - Load cell installation requires mechanical and electrical skills and shall . Instruction Manual. Page 1 . Be sure to When installing this load cell , use a movable joint such as spherical rod end, etc. For assistance with the operation of this product,contact: PCB Load & Torque, Inc. Model RF, with female threads, is a high output rod end load cell designed to be mounted setup with an associated indicator, and a variety of thread selec-. Use drilling machine in order to make a hole for e.g. Thermal Expansion of Vessels & Stay Rods • Calculating Tank Volumes Single-End Beam Load Cell Modules • Double-End Beam Load Cell Modules This manual is intended to serve only as a general guide to planning, installation, and Read this operation manual with care before using this product. nylon insulating washers, Teflon lined rod end ball joints, and a braided . FUTEK's Rod End Load Cells provide an excellent solution for applications involving Inline Actuators or Hydraulic Jacks with Male/Female Threads FUTEK Manuals.Bearing Plates of end loading, unlike solid load cells, which can be designed with button shaped ends so that. Load Cell. Toll-free: 866-684-7107. Wale. Rod End Load Cell | Rod End Load Cells manufactured in US by FUTEK. Remove both rod ends from the load cell. .. Model 3000.
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