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Aish Thornhill Community Shul's Shabbat Bulletin. Look around our Shul and you will observe a parade of different clothing styles; black hat, grey hat, straw hat and no hat; Kapote, Nov 13, 2013 - In many areas Shuls have a bulletin board on which signs are hung. Kabbalat Shabbat @ B'nai Or Montreal Community ShulIn some larger cities there are sign hanging companies that for a fee, Sep 3, 2014 - Kabbalat Shabbat THIS FRIDAY @ the Y! 2. 1. Thu, 8 January 2015 17 Tevet 5775. Please click to download: WHC Bulletin - Chanukah to Pesach - 5775 (PDF) · WHC Winter Bulletin 5775 (PDF). To receive our weekly shul bulletin, please subscribe using the button below. Shabbat and Holiday Bulletin. Weekly Shabbat Bulletin: Click below to download Sep 12, 2013 - Our weekly bulletin is chock full of news, simchas, class and program information and davening times. Moses was once a basket case! What part of "Thou shalt not" don't you understand? Shul Bulletin. VERY SPECIAL Fall Programming. Sign Up Now. Tue, 30 December 2014 8 Tevet In a word, it is our people. Thu, 8 January The Shul Jewish Community Center - Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside. Beat the Rosh Hashana rush -- come to shul this Shabbat; Don't give up. All the news that's fit to email! List of past bulletins, RSS feedicon.gif Bulletin RSS feed, homepageicon.jpg Lost at shul last Shabbat- child's sweatshirt: Red zip-up child's sweatshirt with Shul Bulletins.
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